Walking Dead Rankings Season 5 Episode 12

Welcome back to our Walking Dead rankings! This week Kevin references Eminem, upscale apartment names and some controversial topics like applesauce. Meanwhile, Jesse bemoans the use of cheap merchandising tactics and ponders the impact that certain deaths would have on viewers. Remember, we are awarded points based on who dies and how highly we have that character ranked. For instance, if Glenn dies then Kevin will have 10 points and Jesse will have six points.

Season Score: Jesse 9, Kevin 8

Kevin’s Rankings

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Better Call Saul- “Hero” Review

“You assume criminals are gonna be smarter than they are. Kinda breaks my heart a little.”

Jimmy McGill’s evolution to Saul Goodman continues to be nearly as transfixing as Walter White’s transformation into Heisenberg. While it might not be fair to compare the two men’s backstories, I can’t help but be impressed that Vince Gilligan and co have so much to say about a cheesy TV lawyer.

Through the first four episodes of the series the writers have created a fascinating look into a character that many people (including myself) believed to be one-dimensional. They are laying the groundwork to show us how Jimmy McGill became Saul Goodman and at the same time are creating a compelling world of crime and adventure that will be sure to entertain for quite a few seasons.

Enough about the series overall, let’s jump into episode four. Continue reading

Walking Dead Rankings Season 5 Episode 11

Welcome back to our Walking Dead rankings! This week Kevin goes heavy on the Survivor references and Jesse counters with some pretty eye-rolling wrestling connections. Remember, we are awarded points based on who dies and how highly we have that character ranked. For instance, if Glenn dies then Kevin will have 10 points and Jesse will have six points.

Season Score: Jesse 9, Kevin 8

Kevin’s Rankings

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Denver Sports Weekly Update with Pegboards: 2/20/15

Another week of Denver sports is in the books. Let’s look at the week gone by and the week ahead.

Denver Nuggets:

Despite the All-Star Break, the Nuggets were plenty busy. While no games were played the Nuggets had their hands full making trades.

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“I’m Nacho Hero”- Better Call Saul Review

In my review of the first two episodes of Better Call Saul, I applauded the creators for working at a slow pace. I was also impressed with how they balanced the bottle story within the bigger overarching story. Episode three of this young show continues those trends as it digs deeper into Saul’s struggle with doing what is right.

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Walking Dead Rankings Season 5 Episode 10

Welcome back to our Walking Dead rankings! Remember, we are awarded points based on who dies and how highly we have that character ranked. For instance, if Glenn dies then Kevin will have ten points and I will have six points. No, of course I always had Glenn at six. What are you talking about?

Season Score: Jesse 9, Kevin 8

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Denver Sports with Pegboards

When Kevin pitched me his idea of doing a weekly wrap-up for all of the major four Denver sports teams, I thought it was pretty neat. When I realized that we were launching this in February, the undisputed worst sports month of the year, I was a little intimidated. It’s not going to be easy to discuss teams that are inactive right now, but hey, I like a challenge as much as the next guy. Let’s do it.

This is gonna be pretty cut and dry. After the jump I’ll give a brief rundown of each team and what I’m fixated on.

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“X-Men: Days of Future Past” Review by Jesse Schaffer

“It’s not their pain you’re afraid of. It’s yours, Charles. And as frightening as it may be, that pain will make you stronger. If you allow yourself to feel it, embrace it, it will make you more powerful than you ever imagined. It’s the greatest gift we have: to bear their pain without breaking. And it’s born from the most human part: hope. Charles, we need you to hope again.” 

With the Academy Awards rapidly approaching on the horizon, we thought it made sense to go back and review some of our favorite movies from last year. Of course, this will include a few films that were nominated for best picture, but we all know that the Academy seldom gets everything right. And in the wake of the huge announcement regarding Spider-Man this week, I was reminded of just how true that can be concerning the movies that I appreciate the most. It will never receive any prestigious awards or recognition, but there wasn’t a film in 2014 that resonated with me more thoroughly than X-Men: Days of Future Past.

I vividly remember the day Kevin and I went to go see it. The weather was insane. A severe thunderstorm moved into the area and caused a rare tornado warning in Lakewood, Colorado, complete with intense hail and those frightening tornado alarms that you would hear in a movie like Twister. My family and I took refuge in a nearby Smashburger, which had rather large glass windows up front. Not exactly the best place to protect yourself from a tornado, I know (I never said I was the world’s greatest Eagle Scout, folks). Thankfully, the worst of the storm blew over and we were able to make the showtime that we wanted.

The opening credits kicked in and I immediately recognized a familiar tune: the main theme to X2: X-Men United, well-known as the very best X-Men film, hands down. A huge grin crept across my face and before I knew it, I was being transported via time capsule back to the year 2003, when Bryan Singer was the king of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the X-Men were the coolest team of superheroes that we ever could have wanted.

You know what? 2003 wasn’t all that shabby. Don’t mind if I kick my feet up and stick around for awhile.

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Spider-Man Comes Home by Jesse Schaffer

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few days, you’ve heard the big news. Spider-Man has officially joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe! This is a monumental turn of events, one that has been rumored for months but seemed too far-fetched for it to ever actually happen. Now that it is ACTUALLY happening, we at Pegboards feel obligated to react to this stunning announcement and try to make sense of what’s really going on. After all, nothing like this has ever been done before and there is no guarantee that it will even work out the way that we hope it will.

But that’s beyond the point. All that matters is that Spider-Man is finally back where he belongs.

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Better Call Saul is Better than Expected by Kevin W.

When Vince Gilligan announced he was creating a spinoff of Breaking Bad titled Better Call Saul I will admit I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t blame the guy for trying to capitalize on his stunning show about a chemistry teacher turned drug lord. As Saul would go on to say in episode one, “Money is the point!”. Breaking Bad was revolutionary for AMC and along with The Walking Dead helped the network stand out from the crowd. I felt like Gilligan earned our respect to give his new show a shot. And so far I am loving it.

Going into the show I feared the green shadow of Breaking Bad might be too large to escape. I expected fans to only tune in hoping a glimpse of Walter White or Jesse Pinkman. Hell I half expected the show to be a ridiculous comedy following the wild antics of a TV lawyer. My fears subsided as the show’s first two episodes weaved it’s way through a truly unique story that just happens to be set in the same universe as Breaking Bad.

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